Hi! 👋

I’m Josh. I am 25, was born and raised in Phoenix AZ, went to ASU for a BSE in Computer Systems Engineering, and have been a professional web developer for 2+ years.

In that time I worked primarily in the .NET world, either developing web pages in C# using .NET/Blazor at Capgemini, adding new functionality in Visual Basic using .NET Framework at Avnet, or creating API points via Azure Functions (again, C#). In addition, I have had professional experience building greenfield apps with React, SvelteKit, and Java.

Through my 2+ years of experience, I have grown both a love and deep respect for developing tools that solve people’s problems. Trial and error has taught me that I can actually build anything if I put my mind to it, and the beauty of the internet is that I get the opportunity to distribute my solutions to the entire world instantly. By the end of my career, I hope I get to say that the problems I worked on made people’s lives better, even if just by a little bit.

Aside from the career stuff, I like to play music (badly), watch movies, spend time with friends and family, and spending time with Jesus.